The beginning.

Since I was a kid, I have been a collector of sorts. In my childhood, the collections consisted of shoe boxes, popsicle sticks and a myriad of other findings that I thought I could use to build my hamster a fort, embellish a school project or construct a parking garage for my matchbox cars. All of which happened at one time or another.

The middle. 

As I got older, my "recycling" of found material gravitated more toward woods and metals. I had a new appreciation for anything with some cool patina or looked like it had some story to tell.  I would stand there for hours at my Dad's workbench in the garage and organize all the mismatched, rusty hardware that he had saved throughout the years in an old Maxwell House coffee can.  I would have loved to have known what all those pieces originally went to and when they were filed away in that rusty can.

The present.

So here I am, cruising through life, with an affinity for all things old and used. It hurts my heart to see so much interesting stuff get tossed. Thankfully, upcycling is a "thing" now, where us artisans can keep tons of what some call junk out of the landfills simply by REimagining it as something else and then designing and creating it. With that said, I better get back in the shop, I have this really cool idea...

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